Monday, May 30, 2011

Definition of Annoying

Annoying is one of those words, that you know the meaning to, but never really found the need to look up the definition. So I took it upon myself to post the definition of annoying.


–verb (used with object)
to disturb or bother (a person) in a way that displeases, troubles, or slightly irritates.
to molest; harm.
Big wow at number 2. To molest and harm is the same as to annoy? 
Noun1.annoying - the act of troubling or annoying someone
mistreatment - the practice of treating (someone or something) badly; "he should be punished for his mistreatment of his mother"
exasperation - actions that cause great irritation (or even anger)
red flag - something that irritates or demands immediate action; "doing that is like waving a red flag in front of a bull"
Adj.1.annoying - causing irritation or annoyance; "tapping an annoying rhythm on his glass with his fork"; "aircraft noise is particularly bothersome near the airport"; "found it galling to have to ask permission"; "an irritating delay"; "nettlesome paperwork"; "a pesky mosquito"; "swarms of pestering gnats"; "a plaguey newfangled safety catch"; "a teasing and persistent thought annoyed him"; "a vexatious child"; "it is vexing to have to admit you are wrong"

Damn, annoying can be defined in so many ways.


Sunday, May 29, 2011

Proof Reading

Sucks Period

F*ck You FireFox!!!

If you're a huge multitasker like me, then you're probably used to the Mozilla Firefox web browser freezing up like crazy. Yeah yeah yeah, I've heard Google Chrome is way better, but right now I'm on Firefox while Chrome is running. Yes, I have two web browsers running at the same time, one for blogging/Youtube and the other for Pot Farm. And my problem still isn't resolved, although it does beat using one browser at a time. This way I can switch back and fourth while having less difficulties with the freezes. On another note, Google Chrome sucks. I just don't like the lay out and even though it's a tad bit faster it still freezes. I've been using Firefox for years but since 2010-2011 its been getting quite ridiculous. I cant even be on Youtube and Facebook at the same time without my screen turning white and sitting there waiting for it to respond. If I had a nickle for every time I slapped myself in the forehead I would make Bill Gates look poor. I know it has to do with the dreaded Plug-in Container taking up all the damn memory, but when I look for solutions, they never work. Right now I'm running the ' Flash Block ' extension and have five tabs open with no problems. I think it's because I'm typing this up. ( Never mind I just switched tabs and it started acting up )  Normally if I was on youtube it would run fine until after about ten minutes, then it starts acting super retarded. I don't get how it's the year 2011 and we still don't have a decent computer/web browser that runs perfectly normal with many tabs open. Shoot even 3 tabs open and it'll start acting up. Maybe I just have a lame computer( Dell ) and a lame laptop ( Hp ). I seriously need to invest in a Macbook Pro. I've heard so many great fairy tales about them. It's just hard trying to multitask and get work done without having to wait for Firefox to respond. Technology my ass, when are we going to start living like the Jetsons?

I Cant Stand Annoying People Pt. 1

O-M-G.....It's hilarious when a person says "I cant stand annoying people" while they're super annoying themselves!!! Come on now, you sound like a complete hypocrite, I guess you must annoy yourself often. I don't have anything against annoying people because I know I can be kind of annoying myself. I remember when my cousin called me annoying one day. WTF!? In my head there was a bunch of ' ????????????????? ' popping up. I didn't understand how the most annoying person in my family I knew could possibly say I, was annoying. ( quick note: it's getting annoying having to type the word annoying so many times....seriously it is annoying. Hopefully it's not TOO annoying for the readers. LoL ) At this point it's almost as if I'm getting severely mind fucked. I just shrug it off and reply with "How am I annoying?". Of course she cant reply back because an answer is impossible with out it being an absurd lie.
To me though, the most annoying people are ignorant fools, people who just don't seem to have common sense. Honestly half of the world is annoying. From my cousin's inability to close the damn door back after she exits the room, to mindless people on Facebook getting offended over videos I post.
1. I cant even come up with an explanation to how my cousin can see the door is closed as she enters..and just decides not to close it back when she leaves...I just want to shoot myself when pondering about it.
2. This female on Facebook befriended me for the Pot Farm game. Me, I post a lot of random things, from over weight chicks sitting on skinny guys to down right crazy porn LOL. Okay so if you're on Facebook and somebody posts a video, isn't it up to you whether to watch it or not? This chick had the audacity to comment on the video and say " That's it, I've had enough of your disgusting posts, I am removing you as my friend"........ Something like that. I was like nobody told you to watch it. Common sense tells you the video isn't going to be pretty, so why would you even bother check it out, then come at me like I'm the one at fault?! ANNOYING!

I don't want to sound sexist or anything, but what the hell is wrong with females?? I cant recall a lot of guys who do this but I cant stand when I'm speaking to a person, they sit there and don't respond, knowing damn well they heard me talking. Is something on their mind so attention grabbing that it disconnects them from the rest of the world? Like I could be typing this post right now and if someone were to speak to me I would stop typing, respond back to them, and continue typing. I love using my cousin as an example it seems, I'll ask her a question and she'll respond back about 30 seconds to a minute later. By that time I'm so put off by her not responding back quick enough that I don't respond to her asking me what I had said. ANNOYING! I think she just has a short attention span, although I heard females think about 598528592958258 things at once. So if that is true, then i can understand the IGNOREance....yes...corny play on words, what ever. Shit, just writing this post is getting annoying and I'm tired as hell. I think I'll make this like a segment within blogs, if that makes any sense..OH another annoying thing people do..misspell the word "sense" with "sence" ..smh SPELL CHECK!!! Anyways..I'll make a Pt. 2 some other time.

Annoying Ass Facebook!

Okay so am I the only person that is madly addicted to Facebook??? I thought I spent crazy hours on video games but damn, Facebook has taken over my life!! I don't even know how many hours I spend on it simply because I don't feel like calculating how many hours I'm awake each day. Basically  I am on Facebook from when I wake up till I go to sleep. Ten plus hours a day? Eh, oh well. Seriously though, Facebook is so annoying and I cant stand it or some of the people who use it. Well it's more of a love/hate thing. I'm constantly posting crazy yet funny porn videos or just witty posts. I think I started using facebook in 2010, now that it has been a year or so I've completely changed the way I look at and use Facebook.

I like to call it Twitter 2.0... I'll save twitter for another post, yeah, twitter is pretty lame smh. Anyways, you know how you can tweet stuff? Facebook is basically the same thing just more upgraded, and unlike twitter more than half of your friends will read your posts! Twitter is the year 1850, and Facebook is the year 2035. ( way passed 2011 lol )
Besides spamming the news feed with random and ridiculous posts, I'm always playing this Facebook game called Pot Farm. SUPER ADDICTING! So if you're my friend on Facebook you probably know exactly what I'm talking about. I'm pretty sure it's annoying as hell to see nothing but Pot Farm related posts from me. I'm talking 100+ posts a day! The results of this massive spam has lead me to lose friends I've known from years back. Well they can rot in hell, luckily I still have some dedicated  friends. Or maybe they're just too lazy to unfriend me.

More annoying things about Facebook are the friends I have on there. It's not that they're annoying, well some are, it's just I always get caught up in a post that tends to exceed the average comments on a post. I would say the average post holds atleast 10 to 20 comments. From time to time the comments will add up to 100+ which equals much more of my time being wasted. It's almost like we're sitting  in high school procrastinating and not doing homework. But hey, its called " Social Network" for a reason right? ............. Wow as I'm typing this I stopped just to go on Facebook and make a post, then checked my Pot Farm before realizing I needed to finish this blog post. Talk about easily distracted, but I can't blame myself since I'm multitasking.
There's just so many horrible things to Facebook that make it annoying and time consuming. I try to take a break and it only lasts about 3 hours.. Sad..