Monday, September 19, 2011

Omg New Segments!?!?! And Phones?!?!?! WTF?

YEAH so if you haven't noticed, there are some new links..or segments if you will, called Annoying People, where I will talk about annoying ass people in the media or where ever.  Who knows how long this will go on but if they're annoying to me and probably everybody else then you'll be sure to find them here. I don't even know why I'm making this post as people who aren't dumb enough will see the new links..This is almost like me shopping online for a new cell phone.....I don't how that's even irrelevant buut I will say I still need a cell phone.

Why can't cell phone companies just make the iphone a prepaid phone?...oh..with out it costing like $500-600!! Sorry my broke ass can't afford a contract, maybe I'd like a more flexible plan where I can choose to pay when ever I feel like using my phone. Then there's going to google to find out which phone company is the best..T-mobile, Verizon, At&t, Boost mobile..I see the commercials and they all talk the talk but in the long run you're going to end up spending a lot or there is some kind of catch. eg.. If you have boost mobile, the longer you stay with them the less you pay monthly .. But wait..what if boost mobile sucks? Why aren't the other companies doing that? OMFG IT'S JUST SO COMPLICATED THAT MY MIND CANT COMPREHEND THE TRICKERY OF THE MAN!!! Anyways, check out the links if you haven't seen them.....It should be right below the title of this blog..............I'm pretty sure reading this post was..ANNOYING lmfao :)

oh yeah I hate droids....especially for using facebook.

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