Thursday, September 15, 2016

War On The Brink / CIA Threatens Russia / Putin’s Staff Murdered

So, I just watched this video from Alex Jones.... smh

He had some points....I guess. I want to know who used the title ' War On The Brink / CIA Threatens Russia / Putin’s Staff Murdered ' first lol. Google it.
War on the brink and all he does is talk about Hillary Clinton, Charlie Rose, and religion mixed with politics.
At the end he promotes his brand or whatever they're selling. Even in times of "crisis" ya gotta make that money!
I don't know if I heard wrong but I kept thinking the guy Charlie Rose was the one who kind of "predicted" the death of Putin's chauffeur. I believe it was whom Charlie Rose was interviewing- Mike Morell , former CIA. I had to look that up lol
It's crazy how they talk about killing people as if it is normal. Well maybe to them it is normal. Everyone should know our government/political leaders are corrupt and do whatever is nessecary to achieve their goals. It's all about the control of resources, making more money, keeping the masses dumbed down and busy working like robots.

It's annoying watching videos with people like Alex jones. Especially his delivery, it sounds like he's the one wearing an earpiece. In his video he gets on Hillary for wearing an earpiece. Who cares?! Why is she still free and running for president?!
Also it seems like no one ever gives real solutions to actually make real changes and get positive results. If people like Alex Jones know so much, why not help the people? Then again, so many people are stubborn and stuck in their ways they probably wouldn't accept it. It's like those patriotic people who defend the military with " they fight for our freedom! " when our freedom is constantly being violated and taken away.

When will the world be at peace?!?!?!?! One would think life would get easier and more simple as time passes, but it seems to me as things become more advanced, the more chaotic things will be.

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