So, Donald will be the Next President of the United States? Looks to be true. No first women president to make history! Sorry hillary. I wouldn't mind having a woman for a president, just not Hillary, oh lord. All I know is there is always a president from either party and always some nonsense going on. Wars, recessions, no jobs or more jobs, healthcare I have no idea but Im curious to see what Trump is going to do.
From the moment he entered the race for presidency I was shocked but by now Im not surprised at offense to women out there, but he was running against Hillary, a woman...and I don't think the majority of america wanted a woman president- Hillary at that. Most people around me and from the internet to radio wanted Hillary to win. People say Trump is a racist yet I hear the same about Hillary. Donald has all his shenanigans and still comes out victorious. Pick the lesser of evils I see some people would say. So either way we are fucked right? Im hoping Trump isn't worse than Obama but something kind of has me worried. Obama had his slogan, CHANGE!! and now here comes Trump with MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.... Obama's change could go either way, Trump is more straight forward in the positivity department, but who is to say he will make all of America great..again...Was it ever great to begin with? It seems as if there wont be any good changes for this country. Some people will be happy, others will still be miserable. Most people are content, ignorant or just dont give a fuck about what's going on. The rich will be rich, and the poor will be poor. People will still be racist, sexist, prejudice, and everything else wrong with people today.
I can't do a thing about this country or the world so I'll continue to wait for someone else that can..or when super powers become real...
Lets just hope Trump doesnt fuck up.
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